Winnercircle24 News, Unfiltered. Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:23:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Forex Risk Management For Beginners: Guide And More Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:23:15 +0000

This article was last updated on January 12, 2023

Risk management is an important part of every trading market. The forex market is no exception. Many people start trading, get lucky, and make a lot of money, but then lose it, because of a lack of risk management. This is why we want to dedicate a whole guide to the basics of forex risk management, especially targeted toward beginners. However, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be useful information for experienced traders as well.

We will go over everything that we believe is important, which includes risk management fundamentals, and more. Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Basics Of Risk Management Strategies For Forex Trading Beginners

Trading in the foreign currency (forex) market requires careful attention to forex risk management. Because of how quickly exchange rates can change and how unpredictable the market is, traders must be able to efficiently manage their risk. Setting stop-loss orders is one of the most crucial ideas in forex risk management. When the market swings in a bad direction, a stop-loss order is a type of order that automatically closes a deal. This enables traders to appropriately control their risk and reduces the possible loss on a trade.

Position sizing is a key idea in the management of FX risk. Position size is the process of figuring out how many lots or units to trade according to the amount of money that is at stake. This makes it less likely that a single trade will use up a large percentage of the trading money and put the trader in danger of going bankrupt.

RELATED: How To Trade Forex With $100 – The Easiest Guide

Furthermore, it’s critical to understand the risk-reward ratio. It is a technique for weighing possible trade returns against the risks. Trading professionals may efficiently control their risk by choosing which trades to enter and exit by being aware of the risk-reward ratio. Variety is crucial. Spreading the risk and reducing the effect of any single trade on the whole portfolio can both be accomplished by diversifying the portfolio among various currencies and assets. It enables investors to diversify their holdings and spread out their capital.


It’s critical to keep up with any political and economic changes that can have an impact on the foreign exchange market. As a result, traders may be better able to predict market changes and decide when to enter and quit trades. Finally, keep a positive outlook and avoid overreacting to temporary market changes. Composure is a skill in the field of trading. And risk management is the most valuable skill for beginners in the forex market.

Understanding Risk Management In Forex Trading For Beginners

There are a number of additional techniques for traders to control their risk in the forex market, in addition to the previously described risk management strategies. To help traders establish stop-loss orders and take-profit levels, one strategy is to employ technical analysis to pinpoint important market support and resistance levels. Another strategy is to employ fundamental analysis to comprehend the underlying political and economic forces that influence currency fluctuations and to use that knowledge to make more intelligent trades.

Risk management in forex trading includes money management as a key component. This entails defining specific objectives for each trade, selecting the right position size based on the amount of capital at risk, and monitoring the portfolio’s performance on a regular basis. This will assist traders in limiting their exposure to risk and avoiding excessive leverage in their deals.

Risk-adjusted performance measurement, which enables traders to evaluate the risk-adjusted return of a trade by taking into account both the potential return and the potential risk, is another way to reduce risk. This will make it easier for traders to decide which trades to engage and exit as well as the expected return for a particular degree of risk.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep a trading notebook where you can document your transactions, the justification for your entry and leave, your feelings as you make the deal, and any other pertinent details. This routine can assist traders in spotting patterns in their trading behavior and modifying their strategy as necessary.

SIMILAR READ: Forex Vs Stocks – Which Is More Profitable And Why?

In conclusion, minimizing risk is essential for long-term success in the forex market. Beginners traders can reduce risk and increase returns by putting into practice good risk management tactics, including as placing stop-loss orders, diversifying the portfolio, keeping an eye on leverage levels, and frequently analyzing performance in the forex market.

Creating Risk Management Policies

Guidelines for position sizing and money management must be part of the risk management policy. This entails figuring out the right position size based on the amount of money at risk and modifying the size as necessary to keep within the risk tolerance criteria. It should also contain instructions for determining take-profit levels, profit objectives, and stop-loss orders.

The procedures to be performed when a trade goes against the trader should also be specified in the risk management policy. This entails deciding on an acceptable loss threshold and acting to close the trade or modify the stop-loss order if the deal reaches that threshold. The policy should also specify how losses should be recovered, including by modifying position size, reviewing trade techniques, and taking a sabbatical from trading.

Monitoring the performance of the portfolio on a regular basis is another critical component of a risk management strategy. This involves monitoring the overall performance of the portfolio as well as the profit and loss on each deal. In order to maximize returns while lowering risk, it also entails evaluating the risk-adjusted return of each transaction and modifying the approach as necessary.

A risk management policy can be as a living document that should be regularly evaluated and modified especially for beginners in the forex market. The policy should be adjusted to reflect changes in market conditions.

Using Stop-Loss Orders

You can use a preset cash amount or a percentage of the account’s equity to set stop-loss orders, among other options. A trader might, for instance, put a stop-loss order at $100 or, if that amount is lower, 2% of the account’s equity. While stop-loss orders can aid in limiting losses, it is crucial to remember that there is always a chance of slippage in fast-moving markets, therefore they cannot guarantee against losses.

Using trailing stop-loss orders is yet another method for risk management. When a trader uses a trailing stop-loss order, the stop-loss level is automatically adjusted as the market swings in the trader’s favor. The stop-loss order will move up to 1.2950 if the market moves up to 1.3050, for instance, if a trader buys a currency pair at 1.3000 and places a trailing stop-loss at 50 pips. By doing this, traders may protect their gains while the market is moving in their favor and avoid losing money if it does the opposite.

Another approach is to use a volatility-based stop-loss, which modifies the stop-loss level in response to market volatility. In turbulent markets where prices can change dramatically in a short amount of time, this strategy may be advantageous.

It’s also crucial to remember that stop-loss orders should be positioned strategically, according to the analysis of the trader and the circumstances of the market at the time. Stop loss orders should not be placed too closely to the market price as this increases the danger of slippage, or too far away as this will not offer enough protection in the event that the transaction goes against the trader.

Implementing Position Sizing

Utilizing a predetermined percentage of the trading capital is one typical approach of calculating position size. A trader might opt, for instance, to risk no more than 2% of their capital on a single transaction. By dividing the trading capital by the predetermined fraction, a trader can use this strategy to determine the proper position size for any trade.

Utilizing position sizing depending on volatility is another strategy. This strategy changes the position size in accordance with the volatility of the currency pair being traded. When trading a highly volatile currency pair, for instance, a trader can choose to open a smaller position because the likelihood of large price swings raises the risk of the deal.

Another key thing to consider when determining position size is the risk-reward ratio. Investors should weigh the potential risk and return of a trade before deciding how big of a position to take. The possible return is three times greater than the potential loss, for instance, in a deal with a risk-reward ratio of 1:3. Traders might take a bigger position size in this scenario.

Leverage should be taken into account while determining position size. Although it raises the possibility of losses, leverage enables traders to manage huge holdings with a relatively modest amount of cash. When employing leverage, traders should exercise caution and make sure that the position size does not exceed their available capital.

Finally, it is critical for traders to routinely analyze and keep an eye on the performance of their entire portfolio. Traders should modify the size of their positions when market conditions change to make sure that they remain consistent with their overall risk management plan and their degree of risk tolerance.

Using a Risk-to-Reward Ratio

Establishing an adequate risk-to-reward ratio is a crucial component of managing forex risk because it enables traders to make well-informed decisions regarding when to enter and exit trades. A higher risk-to-reward ratio typically indicates that there is a bigger chance of profit than of loss, which can make the deal more alluring. On the other hand, a smaller risk-to-reward ratio can mean that the possible loss is larger than the potential gain, which could make the trade less appealing.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that both a high risk-to-reward ratio and a low risk-to-reward ratio don’t always indicate that a transaction is good. Along with risk-reward ratio, several other elements should be taken into account, including market conditions, technical and fundamental research, trading techniques, and risk management measures.

INTERESTING ARTICLE: Forex Scalping Strategies For Beginners

Traders should take into account the risk-to-reward ratio at several levels, such as the stop-loss level and the take-profit level, in addition to calculating the ratio for the entire trade. In addition to making sure that the stop-loss level is acceptable in light of the market conditions, a trader should attempt to set stop-loss orders at a level where the risk-to-reward ratio is advantageous. The risk-to-reward ratio should be favorable for setting take-profit levels as well.


In conclusion, there are dangers associated with forex trading, but traders may decrease their exposure and increase their returns by comprehending and putting into practice good risk management tactics. Having a solid understanding of fundamental ideas like stop-loss orders, position sizing, money management, risk-reward ratio, and diversification can help traders safeguard their capital and keep their portfolios stable.

Additionally, traders can stay educated and make wise selections by routinely reviewing performance and following political and economic trends. A well-considered risk management policy that is periodically evaluated acts as a guiding principle to keep traders on course. Traders may handle the volatile forex market with greater assurance by keeping these ideas in mind, making it a crucial step on their road to success.

Finally, make sure you have a good risk management strategy in the forex market, especially as a beginner, before you start trading.


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How My Forbidden Eminem Obsession Landed a Huge Writing Feature Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:46:04 +0000

You likely want to be featured on a website that is #1 in the country, or the world, in your industry.

This could catapult your business astronomically through website and social media visits and bring in higher level business transactions. Do you have a plan to make this happen that doesn’t involve cookie cutter outreach and marketing?

Hold on, I’ll get to Eminem in a minute. As a marketing strategist and writer, it’s my job to make this happen. I facilitated getting clients on the biggest sites in their industry such as The NY Times, Newsmax, TechCrunch, and many more. If this is something most companies want, and all have really good information and ideas, how do you cut through the noise and get featured?

Here are two things I do: 

First: Whatever it takes to access the dog-on-the-bone mentally that I will get what I want no matter what. This involves having an obsession with my mission for the client’s goal. In one case, it involved Eminem. I had a client that wanted to be on a way bigger website than they were worthy of. The competition was thick as an overgrown forest, gatekeepers did their jobs really well at not letting any emails reach the ones in charge, and if you did manage to get in, something in the company or information was written up negatively or simply wasn’t considered powerful enough to be written about and was not featured. 

Most important was that the journalists on the site were, well, let’s just say ‘very proud of themselves’ and their power to read, accept and reject queries to be featured, rightly so. You had to construct your outreach in a way that was different from other companies and marketers and even if you succeeded at that piece, differentiating yourself is not always enough.

To be honest, I personally wanted to prove myself as a marketing strategist to add another notch to my professional belt, and wickedly enjoy an impossible challenge. Starting from no way in, and challenging obstacles, I needed to access a part of myself that was in the realm of the forbidden and rebellious, ride or die, I’m not stopping until my mission is complete.

The first step did not involve logic; it was through a different part of the brain. As music utilizes the opposite part of the brain, that was my way in for this monumental project. 

How to access the ride-or-die mindset

As a kid growing up in a NY suburb, I was not allowed to listen to any music other than what was carefully selected by my parents and school. I had no iPhone, internet (Gen X) and our home did not have a TV for the purpose of keeping outside influences away. 

Yet once I was old enough to buy a ‘Walkman’ for cassettes, I discovered it had a radio and it was small enough to keep hidden. The world of forbidden, punishable music opened up to me at the tail end of my teen years. Madonna, Michael Jackson and all the other artists of my generation were always in my ear, despite the fear of being caught. 

Here’s where Eminem comes in. For this project of landing a journalist to write about a mediocre-deserving client on a worldwide top website, I knew this was my moment, my one chance, my opportunity to level up my concierge strategies.

To steal my mind, I listened to Eminem’s brilliant and motivating words in ‘Lose Yourself’ on repeat all day and night for three months, creating a driven and laser focus on my project

“You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.”

The second step

This involved intense logic. I studied the information from the client, and read the content by the top 3 journalists on the site we were aiming to be featured on. I followed the journalists on all their social media and read every post they wrote, and every comment they wrote on other posts. I did this for three months and having a Master’s degree in Psychology, I was able to understand their personalities, and witnessed events in their lives they shared virtually. 

I formed a plan that began with reading and commenting on their posts, sharing their posts and getting on their radar. I connected through carefully selected social media platforms or email, and spent time deciding what to say. 

Eminem kept me company in the background, egging me on with music my parents and community would likely have disowned me for. 

“You only get one shot.”

I found my way in through these two strategies and a stroke of luck that came unexpected in my efforts. When your mind is strong and you do the work, you are opening yourself up to synchronicities. I achieved my goal of getting the client featured in a powerful, positive, article that launched them stratospherically. 

Use anything you need to first get your mindset to the place of self-belief, determination, and obsession. Focus on how the goal you are working towards will change YOUR life, and the life of your company or client. Think as if you only get one shot, one attempt at this goal. Music, working out, researching, running, imagining a pot of gold at the end of the track, select whatever outlandish idea works to motivate you at a laser focused level.

Next, comb through information until you get to know the people you need to assist you, feature you, or introduce you. Craft your request or message to them from a place of strategic analysis and laser focus. 

And finally, recognize that there is a great deal of luck that comes into play, but you have to be present and ready. When you see your lucky shot, combined with your logic and steel mind, take it.

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Maintaining a Powerful LinkedIn Profile: A Guide for Senior Executives Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:42:11 +0000

Maintaining a Powerful LinkedIn Profile: A Guide for Senior Executives

Your LinkedIn profile is often your first introduction to potential employers, partners and colleagues. For senior executives, maintaining a powerful LinkedIn profile is a crucial tool for personal branding and networking, not just a summary of professional achievements like a resume. Keeping your profile updated and aligned with your professional goals is essential. Here are ten practical tips for senior executives on maintaining a powerful LinkedIn profile:

Use a Professional Profile Photo and Cover Image. Your profile photo and cover image are your first visual impressions. Make sure they are:

Professional: Use a high-quality headshot in professional attire rather than a casual photo.
Updated: Replace your headshot regularly to reflect how you currently appear.
Brand-consistent: Ensure the cover image aligns with your personal or corporate brand.

Optimize Your Headline. Your LinkedIn headline goes beyond your current job title, encapsulating your expertise and the value you bring. It can also clarify your job title since titles vary in scope across industries. For senior executives:

Focus on your core strengths and leadership qualities.
Promote your professional brand. Since many people skim your profile, your headline is an opportunity to describe your expertise succinctly.
Include keywords relevant to your industry and role, facilitating easier discovery by recruiters, potential employers and industry peers.

Craft a Compelling Summary. The summary section offers a prime opportunity to tell your story. Aim for a narrative that:

Highlights your leadership philosophy and accomplishments.
Reflects your career trajectory, demonstrating growth and the impact you’ve made.
Incorporates keywords to enhance visibility.

Update Your Skills and Certifications. The skills and certifications section is not an afterthought but an important component of your LinkedIn profile. Ensure it reflects:

The latest skills you have developed, especially those critical to executive leadership.
Recent certifications or courses completed, showcasing your commitment to continuous learning.

Customize Your LinkedIn URL. A customized LinkedIn URL looks cleaner on your business card or email signature and makes your profile easier to find. Aim for a URL that includes:

Your full name.
If possible, a professional qualifier (e.g., MBA, CPA, JD).

Regularly Update Your Experience. Your professional experience should be more than a list of job titles. For each role:

Detail your responsibilities and the strategic initiatives you have led.
Quantify achievements with metrics to provide context and demonstrate impact.
Update your experience section regularly to reflect new responsibilities and successes.

Review and Refine Privacy Settings. Finally, review your privacy settings to ensure your profile’s visibility aligns with your networking and career goals.

Verify your LinkedIn profile settings to specify who can see your connections, updates and various profile sections.
Consider temporarily adjusting visibility settings while actively updating your LinkedIn profile to avoid repetitive notifications to your network.
Check these privacy settings regularly, as LinkedIn frequently modifies features.

Showcase Your Thought Leadership. Congratulations! Now that you have perfected your LinkedIn profile, it is essential to maintain your presence. LinkedIn is an excellent platform for sharing insight and adding value to your network, which will help position you as an expert in your field. Consider:

Publishing articles on industry trends, challenges and innovations.
Sharing relevant content with thoughtful commentary.
Participating in discussions to elevate your status as an industry thought leader.

Leverage Recommendations and Endorsements. Recommendations and endorsements from peers, colleagues and industry leaders lend credibility to your profile. To enhance this section:

Politely ask for recommendations from those familiar with your work and leadership (and offer to recommend them in return).
Endorse skills of your connections, encouraging reciprocity.

Engage with Your Network. Active engagement on LinkedIn boosts your visibility and demonstrates your commitment to your professional community. Effective strategies include:

Commenting on and sharing interesting posts.
Congratulating connections on their professional milestones.
Participating in relevant groups to expand your network.

For senior executives, maintaining a well-curated LinkedIn profile is crucial to personal branding and professional networking. By following these tips, you can ensure your profile accurately reflects your leadership caliber and expertise, positioning you favorably in your industry. Remember, a dynamic LinkedIn profile can be one of your greatest assets in your career and professional networking.

For more career insight for senior executives, see my companion article, Finding a Job After 50.

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Pearson Partners Named one of America’s Best Executive Search Firms by Forbes Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:38:09 +0000

We are thrilled to announce that Forbes has once again named Pearson Partners International one of America’s Best Executive Search Firms. This marks the fourth year of this distinction for our commitment to excellence in executive search and leadership consulting.

As the recruitment landscape stabilizes from the tumultuous period known as the “Great Resignation,” more executives are expressing satisfaction with their current employment. A recent survey by ZipRecruiter reveals that over 86% of new hires are content in their roles, a stark contrast to the job-hopping trends observed in previous years. This increased job satisfaction poses renewed challenges for recruiting, as fewer leaders are open to new opportunities. Combined with the looming Baby Boomer retirement wave, an ever-greater need for effective succession planning, the integration of AI into human resources functions, and a continuing focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, our role as leadership consultants has never been more vital. We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate these complexities to ensure successful executive recruitment, effective retention and robust succession planning.

Recognizing this shift in the recruitment landscape, Forbes has partnered again with market research firm Statista to rank America’s Best Executive Search Firms, highlighting leaders in executive search like Pearson Partners International. We have earned this prestigious accolade four times in the eight years Forbes has chosen the honorees, including 2017 (the list’s inaugural year), 2018, 2023 and 2024.

“It is a privilege to be recognized as one of America’s Best Executive Search Firms by Forbes for the fourth time. This honor reaffirms our unwavering commitment to excellence and the trust our clients place in us.”

– Keith Pearson, Chairman & CEO, Pearson Partners International

Keith Pearson, Chairman & CEO of Pearson Partners International, said, “We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our executive search peers joining us in earning this distinguished honor, particularly our colleagues at our fellow IIC Partners firms, Dinte Executive Search in Washington D.C. and Furst Group in Chicago. As we navigate a generational shift in leadership and prepare for a wave of executive retirement, Pearson Partners remains dedicated to connecting leading companies with talented professionals, ensuring seamless transitions and sustained organizational success.”

“Collaborating with our fellow IIC Partners firm leaders also earning this distinction is an honor that enhances our collective success.”

– Renee Arrington, President & COO, Pearson Partners International

Renee Arrington, Pearson Partners International President & COO, added, “We are thrilled to share this accolade with such distinguished executive search firms, who represent our shared commitment to quality and integrity. Collaborating with our fellow IIC Partners firm leaders Samuel Dinte, Bob Clarke, Sherrie Barch, and our team at Pearson Partners International is an honor that enhances our collective success.”

Partnering with Forbes, Statista surveyed more than 9,300 recruiters, HR leaders, hiring managers and candidates to solicit their recommendations and assessments of executive search firms with whom they had recently worked. The firms earning the highest rankings made it onto the list of the top 150 companies specializing in filling positions with base salaries over $100,000. As with all Forbes lists, there is no fee to participate or be selected. Learn more about the methodology.

View the 2024 Forbes list of America’s Best Executive Search Firms.

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The Power of Quiet Persistence: Why Quiet Quitting Is Not the Answer Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:34:05 +0000

In recent discussions about workplace culture, the term “quiet quitting” has emerged, describing employees doing the bare minimum to get by without formally resigning. While this might seem like a reasonable response to burnout or dissatisfaction, an alternative approach is far more effective: “quiet persistence.” This concept involves staying committed to your job and goals, providing a more constructive path than quietly quitting.

Part II in our series about The Perils of Quiet Quitting: A Guide for Leaders

The Art of Quiet Persistence

Quiet persistence is about maintaining focus on your work and goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. It involves being steady and consistent in your efforts rather than making impulsive decisions based on emotions or temporary frustrations. This approach requires patience, resilience and a strong sense of purpose, which sharply contrasts with the disengagement of quiet quitting.

Building Trust and Credibility

One of the primary benefits of quiet persistence is that it helps you build trust and credibility with your colleagues and superiors. Consistently delivering results and demonstrating dedication to your work makes you reliable and dependable. Over time, this perception can lead to increased opportunities, responsibilities and respect within your organization—outcomes that are much less likely to result from the invisibility that can result from quiet quitting.

Overcoming Challenges

Every job comes with its share of challenges and obstacles. Quiet quitting in the face of difficulty may provide temporary relief, but it doesn’t address the underlying issues. In contrast, quiet persistence encourages tackling challenges head-on, finding creative solutions and learning from experiences. This persistence can lead to personal and professional growth that quiet quitting would hinder.

Contributing to a Positive Work Culture

Quietly persisting in your job can also contribute to a positive work culture. When team members see others staying committed and focused, it can inspire them to do the same. This reinforcement creates a supportive environment where everyone is motivated to do their best work and contribute to the team’s success, unlike the demotivating effects of widespread quiet quitting.

Understanding the Reasons for Quiet Quitting

The reasons behind quiet quitting are varied but often include:

Lack of Recognition: When efforts go unnoticed, disillusionment can follow.Insufficient Compensation: Feeling undervalued financially can trigger disengagement.
Burnout: High stress without adequate support leads to withdrawal as a coping mechanism.
Mismatched Job Expectations: A disparity between a role’s responsibilities and an employee’s expectations can lead to dissatisfaction.

Recognizing and addressing these root causes is crucial to mitigate the negative consequences of quiet quitting.

Knowing When to Pivot: When Quiet Persistence Is Not Working

While quiet persistence is valuable, knowing when to pivot or make a change is essential. There may be situations where leaving is the right decision, such as when you are in a toxic work environment, or your values are fundamentally at odds with the organization. However, even in these cases, how you exit can reflect your commitment to professionalism and integrity.

For Individuals: Cultivating Quiet Persistence

Cultivating quiet persistence requires self-awareness, discipline and a focus on long-term goals. Here are some tips for developing this valuable trait:

Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for you and create a plan to achieve it.
Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude even in challenging times, focusing on solutions rather than problems.
Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors to identify areas for improvement and growth.
Practice Patience: Understand that progress takes time, and be patient with yourself and others.
Stay Flexible: Be open to adapting your approach as needed while staying true to your core values and goals.

For Leaders: Steps to Encourage Quiet Persistence

For leaders, addressing the root causes of quiet quitting can encourage quiet persistence and cultivate a more vibrant and committed workforce. Consider the following tips:

Enhance Engagement Practices: Regular feedback and recognition can boost morale and motivation.
Promote a Balanced Workload: Ensuring employees are neither underutilized nor overwhelmed is vital to engagement.
Foster an Open Culture: Encouraging open dialogue about job satisfaction and career goals can help align individual aspirations with organizational goals.
Invest in Employee Development: Offering development opportunities encourages employees to invest their time and talents fully into their roles.

While quiet quitting might seem like a tempting solution to workplace dissatisfaction, it does not address the underlying issues. Quiet persistence offers a more constructive path and can contribute far more to your career satisfaction. By staying committed to your job and goals, you can build trust, overcome challenges, contribute to a positive work culture and ultimately achieve long-term success. Cultivating persistence requires effort and discipline, but the rewards are worth it.

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The U.S. and China: The Struggle for World Leadership Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:31:18 +0000

The U.S. and China: The Struggle for World Leadership

At the Pearson Partners Spotlight Series™ breakfast held on December 12, 2023, “The U.S. and China: The Struggle for World Leadership,” we convened a distinguished panel of thought leaders in economics, geopolitics and trade to discuss one of the most pressing global issues. This installment in our quarterly breakfast series provided a platform for an enlightening dialogue on the evolving dynamics of U.S. and China relations. As tensions continue to escalate between the two global superpowers, the implications for business, the economy and our community have never been more significant.

Pearson Partners Spotlight Series™ Breakfast Q4 2023

Keith Pearson, Chairman and CEO of Pearson Partners, kicked off the event, setting the stage for an engaging discussion led by a panel of experts specializing in U.S./China relations:

Michael Frank (Senior Fellow, Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies – Center for Strategic and International Studies), bringing a broad geopolitical perspective
Admiral Patrick M. Walsh, PhD, Four-Star Admiral, Retired, United States Navy, with significant firsthand experience in military and strategic affairs
Ashley K. Yablon, Attorney at Law, an author and former expat with extensive experience working in major Chinese telecom companies
Stephen Konstans (Moderator), former Senior Vice President and Financial Officers Practice Leader, Pearson Partners International

Key takeaways from the discussion for the next five to ten years in the context of U.S./China relations, along with related quotes (anonymously attributed) included:

Strategic Global Positioning

The discussion on military and economic strategies between the U.S. and China stressed the importance of strategic positioning in a rapidly changing global landscape.

“Adapting to China’s business culture is not just challenging; it is crucial for success. It’s about understanding a different way of doing business.”– Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Panelist

Risk Management in International Operations

The panel’s insights into China’s political and economic policies provided a framework for understanding and managing risks in international operations, especially in volatile geopolitical climates.

“We are witnessing a significant shift in military power balance—one that requires a thoughtful and proactive response from the U.S.”– Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Panelist

Navigating Supply Chain Challenges

Insights into the global trade tensions between the U.S. and China reminded us of the potential volatility in supply chains and the importance of diversifying suppliers.

“It’s not just about territorial claims. It is a strategic move to control crucial global trade routes.”– Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Panelist

Innovation and Competitive Edge

The discussion on the technological race between the U.S. and China reinforced the need to invest in innovation to maintain a competitive edge in the global market.

“The U.S.-China trade relationship is at a crossroads. It is a complex interplay of competition and interdependence.”– Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Panelist

Importance of Geopolitical Awareness

The session highlighted the importance of being aware of geopolitical developments and their potential impacts on various aspects of multinational operations, from trade to investment strategies.

“[This is]… the most important foreign policy challenge for the United States in the 21st century. We are entering a period of potentially maximum danger for this relationship.”– Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Panelist

The event concluded with a vibrant Q&A session with our audience. Keith Pearson wrapped up the discussion by reflecting on the insights shared by the panelists. He noted the complexity of the relationship between the U.S. and China and its implications for global leadership, underscoring the need for a strategic, informed approach to handling the complex interplay of economic, political and cultural factors in this pivotal geopolitical contest.

Learn more about the Pearson Partners Spotlight Series™ breakfast events.

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Forex Technical Analysis For Beginners – Make The Right Decision Based On The Market Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:29:47 +0000

This article was last updated on February 1, 2023

Forex technical analysis is a method of evaluating future currency price movements based on past market data, primarily price, and volume. Beginners can start by studying chart patterns, trendlines, and popular indicators such as Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, and RSI. It is important to understand that technical analysis is not a guarantee of future market behavior, but rather a tool to aid in making informed trading decisions. It should also be used in conjunction with fundamental analysis, which considers economic and political factors that may impact currency prices.


Forex technical analysis is a useful tool that traders employ to study and predict how the foreign exchange market will behave. It is a type of data analysis that focuses on the patterns and price movements of currency pairs and gives traders the knowledge they need to make wise choices. The study of price action, which includes looking at charts, trendlines, and other visual representations of price data, is the basis of forex technical analysis. Trades can be made by identifying trends in historical market data and forecasting the course of future price movements.

It is impossible to overestimate the role that technical analysis plays in forex trading. Most effective FX traders’ techniques include technical analysis heavily since it gives them the knowledge they need to make wise decisions and reduce risk. The capacity to swiftly and accurately assess market data is essential to success in the fast-paced world of currency trading.

Forex technical analysis is a complex field that requires a solid understanding of key concepts and terminology. For beginners, it is important to start by learning about chart patterns, trendlines, and popular indicators such as Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, and RSI. Understanding these concepts is the foundation for successful forex technical analysis, allowing traders to quickly identify trends and make informed decisions about their trades.

Finally, technical analysis for the forex market is a crucial tool for traders who want to be successful in the foreign exchange market. It assists traders in reducing risk and maximizing profits by offering insightful information on the behavior of currency pairs. The knowledge of forex technical analysis is a crucial step toward success in the FX market, regardless of your level of experience.

What is Forex Technical Analysis?

Trading professionals utilize forex technical analysis (FTA) as a useful tool to help them decide what to do in the foreign exchange market. The process entails analyzing a currency pair’s historical pricing data to spot patterns, trends, and other crucial market data. Once future price changes are predicted using this knowledge, a profitable trading strategy may be created.

FTA is based on the assumption that the price of a currency pair already incorporates all important market information, including economic and political factors. This means that traders can gain a better understanding of the market and make more educated predictions about future price movements by monitoring the price changes of a currency pair.

The fact that FTA is founded on data and historical market behavior rather than assumptions or opinions is one of its main advantages. This makes it a trustworthy and impartial method of assessing the market. FTA is primarily focused on the price and volume data of a currency pair, as opposed to fundamental analysis, which also focuses on the economic and political issues that have an impact on the market.

Utilizing different chart patterns, trendlines, and indicators, technical analysis analyzes market data. Moving averages, Bollinger bands, and RSI are a few well-known indicators that give traders information about market trends and probable price changes. It is crucial to realize that in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the market, technical analysis should be utilized in conjunction with other types of analysis, such as fundamental analysis.

Why is Forex Technical Analysis Important?

An essential component of trading on the foreign exchange market is forex technical analysis. By employing this technique, traders can better comprehend market trends and forecast the course of currency values in the future. By doing so, traders can set suitable stop-loss levels to control their risk and make better judgments about whether to enter or quit transactions.

Technical analysis evaluates past price data using chart patterns, trendlines, and numerous indicators. Traders can spot important levels of support and resistance as well as potential price reversal patterns by looking at historical market data. Once future price changes are predicted using this knowledge, a profitable trading strategy may be created.

The objective character of forex technical analysis is one of its main advantages. Technical analysis is unbiased, unlike other types of analysis like fundamental analysis, which is based on judgments and views. Instead, it bases price changes on data and previous market activity. Because of this, traders can use it as a trustworthy and dependable tool to assess the market.

To acquire a thorough picture of the market, forex technical analysis can also be used in conjunction with other types of analysis, such as fundamental analysis. Traders can make better judgments and reduce their risk by combining the insights from technical and fundamental analysis.

Key Concepts and Terminology

When it comes to forex technical analysis, there are a few key concepts and terminology people should be familiar with in order to effectively use the analysis.

Support and Resistance

Support and resistance are key concepts in forex trading that refer to levels at which prices tend to either stop declining or start rising.

Support refers to a level at which demand for a currency is thought to be strong enough to prevent its price from declining further. In other words, it is a level at which buyers are believed to step in and start buying, preventing the price from falling.

Resistance, on the other hand, refers to a level at which selling pressure is believed to be strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. In other words, it is a level at which sellers are believed to step in and start selling, preventing the price from going up.

Support and resistance levels can be identified by analyzing historical price data and chart patterns. Traders use these levels to make predictions about potential price movements and to make buy or sell decisions. For example, if a currency’s price is approaching a known level of support, traders may enter a long position in anticipation of the price rising. Conversely, if a currency’s price is approaching a known level of resistance, traders may enter a short position in anticipation of the price falling.

It’s important to note that support and resistance levels are not always set in stone and can change over time. Traders should regularly review these levels and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.


A trend in forex trading refers to the general direction that a currency pair is moving in. Trends can be either upward (bullish), downward (bearish), or sideways (consolidating).

An upward trend, also known as a bullish trend, is characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows, indicating that the price is generally moving higher.

A downward trend, also known as a bearish trend, is characterized by a series of lower highs and lower lows, indicating that the price is generally moving lower.

A sideways trend, also known as a consolidating trend, is characterized by a lack of clear direction, with the price moving in a narrow range without making significant advances or declines.

Forex traders use trends to make predictions about potential price movements and to inform their buy or sell decisions. For example, if a currency pair is in an upward trend, traders may enter a long position in anticipation of the price continuing to rise. Conversely, if a currency pair is in a downward trend, traders may enter a short position in anticipation of the price continuing to fall.

It’s important to note that trends can change over time and that traders should regularly review the trend of a currency pair and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. Additionally, traders often use technical analysis tools, such as trendlines and moving averages, to help identify trends and make more informed decisions.

Chart Patterns

Chart patterns are visual representations of price movements on a currency pair’s price chart that can be used to make predictions about future price movements. In forex trading, chart patterns are used by traders to identify potential trading opportunities and to inform their buy or sell decisions.

Some common chart patterns include head and shoulders, triangles, wedges, and flag and pennant patterns. Each of these patterns has a distinct appearance and is associated with specific price movements and trends.

Head and shoulders patterns, for example, are reversal patterns that indicate a potential trend change from upward to downward. They are characterized by a peak (left shoulder), a higher peak (head), and a lower peak (right shoulder) that form the shape of a human head and shoulders.

Triangles, on the other hand, are continuation patterns that indicate a potential trend continuation in the direction of the previous trend. They are characterized by a narrowing of the price range, with the price making lower highs and higher lows.

Wedges, flag and pennant patterns, and other chart patterns each have their own unique appearance and associated price movements. By analyzing chart patterns, traders can make predictions about potential price movements and inform their buy or sell decisions.

It’s important to note that chart patterns are not a guarantee of future price movements and that traders should use multiple sources of information, including technical and fundamental analysis, to inform their trading decisions. Additionally, chart patterns can be subjective and may not be easily recognizable in all market conditions.


Calculations based on the price and/or volume of a currency pair are used to create forex indicators. These computations are done in order to produce indications that traders can utilize to help them decide whether to purchase or sell.

Leading and trailing indicators are two basic categories into which forex indicators can be divided. Leading indicators are used to provide early signals about possible price moves and are especially helpful in trending markets. Examples of leading indicators include moving averages and the relative strength index (RSI).

Lagging indicators are used to confirm trend direction and give insight into probable trend reversals. Examples include Bollinger Bands and moving average convergence divergence (MACD). They are especially helpful in consolidating markets, where price changes are erratic and trends are challenging to spot.

Moving averages, Bollinger Bands, RSI, MACD, and stochastic oscillator are a few of the most used forex indicators. The calculation and interpretation of each of these indicators varies, and traders frequently combine many indicators to provide a more comprehensive view of the state of the market.

The use of many sources of information, such as technical and fundamental research, to guide trading decisions is advised by traders. Forex indicators are not a guarantee of future price movements. Additionally, forex indicators may not be accurate in all market conditions and may produce false indications.


Forex technical analysis is a critical tool for beginners who are looking to make informed decisions in the foreign exchange market. It provides traders with the ability to analyze historical price data, identify patterns and trends, and make predictions about future price movements. Technical analysis is a data-driven approach that relies on facts and past market behavior rather than opinions or guesswork. This is why it is an essential component of most successful FX traders’ trading strategies.

Forex technical analysis is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to analyze and identify trends in the foreign exchange market. It is a crucial component of most successful FX traders’ trading strategies and can make the difference between success and failure. This article provided an overview of Forex technical analysis for beginners, covering the basics of what it is and why it is important, as well as key concepts and terminology to be familiar with. We hope this article has been informative and that it has provided valuable insight into forex technical analysis.

Read Next: Start Trading Forex With Only $100


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How to Regain Your Confidence After Falling Prey to a Scam Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:29:06 +0000

Scams, both online and offline, are painful experiences when you trust someone, and they use it against you. Remember, it’s not your fault. It could have happened to anyone. Even to the most cautious individuals, especially since you can get scammed online in many ways.  These situations happen to a lot of people and don’t reflect your naivety but rather your good-willed nature.

To regain confidence after falling prey to a scam, here is what you should consider:

Acknowledge and Process the Experience

First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge and process the experience. Don’t bottle up your emotions. Let them out. Allow yourself to feel the anger, frustration, or embarrassment of being scammed. However, do so in a way that doesn’t harm others.

If you take the time to research the scam used against you, you will likely find several other people who have fallen prey to it. You should know that you are not alone in this experience. Validate your feelings and seek support from truly trusted people.

Learn From the Scam Incident

Cybercriminals either use old tricks with slight alterations or devise new scams. It is crucial to learn more about fraud, how it works, and, most importantly, why you fell for it.

Was it because it seemed legitimate and appealing? Or did you simply have a hard day and weren’t attentive? By reflecting on what happened, you can better identify and avoid similar scams in the future. You may even help others and understand yourself better, which is crucial for regaining confidence and stopping self-blame.

Seek Support After a Scam

Your family, friends, or support groups can be crucial to your emotional recovery. It’s hard to believe anyone can go through life without being scammed or tricked once. After some time, you will be able to laugh about the incident.

Sharing your experience can help to quicken it. Talking to others can also alleviate any sense of isolation or shame you might be feeling.

Take Action Against The Scammers

It is natural to feel shame after being scammed. However, you should keep it from taking over and prevent you from acting against the scammers. Report the incident to the relevant authorities and explore options to recover lost funds and decrease the damage.

Remember, you might feel like you are the only one who got scammed this way and may feel judgment from others. At the end of the day, millions of people get scammed online, and no one has the right to judge you, especially authorities.

They must perform their duty and catch the culprits. They handle many similar cases so that you won’t stand out. Remember, there is no reason to feel ashamed, so take action and don’t let the scammers get away with it so easily.

Enhance Your Cybersecurity

Depending on what type of online scam you were subjected to, you should focus on strengthening your cybersecurity. You can prevent future incidents by boosting your online defenses and learning from past mistakes.

Here are some ways to do that:

1. Be cautious of public Wi-Fi and Obscure Websites

Public Wifis are notoriously unsafe. You cannot tell who can intercept your data or spy on your online activities. Because of this, you should be careful when connecting your device. Always use a VPN to mask your IP address and encrypt data.

The websites you visit collect various data about you. If the website is breached, bad actors may have access to that information. Then, cybercriminals can use your personal information against you, tailor their scam to your interests, and increase their likelihood of success.

You should always use a VPN to reduce your chances of becoming a cybercrime victim. A VPN can boost your online security and enhance your privacy. When you use it, criminals will find it increasingly difficult to intercept your data and activities. If you use a proxy extension, you might achieve similar results. Though, with a VPN, you get additional perks and features.

2. Install a reliable antivirus and anti-malware software

Malware and viruses can cause severe financial damage. Opt for premium antivirus and anti-malware software to protect your devices and receive alerts about cyber threats.

3. Enable two-factor authentication

You should always use two—or multiple-factor authentication for your online accounts when possible. This extra layer of security can make a huge difference even if someone gains access to your account credentials.

4. Use a secure password manager

It’s easy to become comfortable with your passwords, especially when you use the same online credentials on all platforms. But it can take only one breach to put all your accounts at risk. Instead, opt for strong passwords and use a trusted password manager to track them all.

Stay vigilant and informed

Online scams are constantly changing. However, you can stay ahead of the game by remaining informed and vigilant. If you get scammed, your report and resolution will help others protect themselves and expose the scammers, which can also help you regain your confidence.

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Ten Pivotal Tips to Boost Your Leadership Skills Mon, 01 Jul 2024 14:28:13 +0000

Ten Pivotal Tips to Boost Your Leadership Skills

Leadership transcends mere titles, encompassing dynamic skills essential for personal career growth and team success. Whether you are a seasoned leader or are just stepping into this arena, honing these skills can significantly enhance your professional journey and that of your teams. Here are ten pivotal tips to improve your leadership skills:

Cultivate Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and recognize your emotional triggers. This knowledge allows you to leverage your strengths strategically and manage your limitations effectively. Make it a routine to reflect on your actions, decisions and outcomes. Consider journaling as a powerful tool to gain insight into your leadership style and its impacts.

Seek and Leverage Feedback

Encourage honest feedback from peers, mentors and team members. This input is invaluable for identifying areas for improvement and affirming what you are doing well.

Master Effective Communication

Clear and concise communication is crucial to successful leadership. It ensures your vision is understood, aligns team efforts and resolves conflicts efficiently. Practice active listening to fully engage with your team and ensure all members feel heard and valued. As the inevitable conflicts arise, address them promptly, fairly and constructively.

Enhance Emotional Intelligence

Develop your ability to understand and manage your emotions while empathizing with others. This emotional acumen builds trust and strengthens team dynamics, essential to effective leadership.

Sharpen Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills

Leaders are often required to make swift and effective decisions. Approach complex problems analytically, breaking them into manageable parts. Foster a collaborative environment where team involvement in decision-making processes is the norm, enhancing the team’s sense of ownership and satisfaction.

Embrace Adaptability and Flexibility

Stay informed about industry trends and developments to anticipate and adapt to changes. View change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat and encourage your team to adopt the same perspective.

Invest in Mentoring and Developing Others

A great leader invests in the growth and development of their team members. Provide opportunities for them to take on new challenges and share your knowledge and experience to guide their professional journeys.

Build and Maintain Strong Relationships

Strong relationships are the foundation of a cohesive and high-performing team. Foster team spirit and collaboration through organized team-building activities that strengthen these bonds. Regularly recognize and celebrate team achievements to boost morale and motivation.

Foster Vision and Strategic Thinking

Define clear, achievable goals and communicate them effectively to your team. Develop strategic plans that align with your vision and involve your team in the planning process, ensuring everyone is committed to the collective success.

Pursue Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is vital for stayingrelevant and successful. Enrich your knowledge with continual reading and participate in leadership workshops and training programs to gain new perspectives and techniques.


Elevate your leadership journey by embracing these ten practices. Each fosters crucial skills that enhance your capabilities and your team’s performance and morale. Remember, great leaders are made, not born—start enhancing these skills today to gain tangible results in your leadership effectiveness and your team’s success.

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The majority of Gameloft Toronto has been laid off Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:33:50 +0000

Most of the team at Gameloft Toronto has been laid off.

The news was first reported by and corroborated by a variety of affected employees’ LinkedIn posts, including community team manager Tasha Huggins. Per the publication, 49 people have been let go, which follows roughly 40 layoffs in April. The site reports that only HR, IT, and management are unaffected by the cuts.

In a statement to, Gameloft attributed the layoffs to “ever-changing market conditions,” which it says led it to “substantially reduce our production activity in our Toronto studio.”

Founded in 2011, the Canadian developer has worked on notable licenced titles like Lego Legacy: Heroes Unboxed and Uno & Friends. Meanwhile, support for Gameloft Toronto’s Disney Magic Kingdoms, its long-running city-building game, has been transferred to Kharkiv, Ukraine. also reports that another game that Gameloft Toronto was working on has been cancelled.

This is the latest in a seemingly neverending string of layoffs in the gaming industry over the past year, including those at Xbox, PlayStation and Take-Two Interactive.

Image credit: Gameloft

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